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I have cronic back pain due to an injury. I had surgery in March of 2003 to try to repair the damage, but it was not successful. So I have was prescibed Hydrocodone/APAP, and if not for this medication, I would no longer be able to work or have a normal life. (I also take Neurontin for nerve pain and Ultram for inflamation.) But due to those people who abuse such medications, it is hard to find a ...

Most voted negative review

42 People found this comment helpful

Tris Norco 10mg keeps changing their pills to now feels like I'm taking ultram! Why is this legal they've been messing with it for a year now. The other generics are all worthless too so I won't even bother . Please people call FDA daily file complaints on their website as well as with Tris pharmacuticals call them daily make complaints , til they get sued and fined for this. This is NOT HYDROCOD...

Shared reviews and ratings

Danielle | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 1.0
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Just reading all these reviews confirms what I already know. These norcos are not the same! I’m on 90 10 mg a month- and I get zero pain relief! I’ve also had some very serious gut issues since taking them and I believe they are directly tied. It is so screwed up to take away someone’s right to a decent somewhat normal life living with chronic pain. Something needs to be done and be done soon.

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Billy | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 1.0
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Does not work for pain. Side effects are horrible. Really bad nausea. Very weak. Does not have the correct amount of active ingredients. I get sick with this mallinckrodt brand medication. I didn't get sick with other brands . The pharmacies don't have other brands now which should be against the law. Very bad product !!

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Hydrocodone Ap | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 2.0
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Tgese pills are pseudo effectie lol

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Chris | 25-34 | Transgender | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 2.7
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I was given this after a very brutal tooth extraction. It does nothing to help. I have stoped taking it and started ibuprofen over the counter. That works better than this crap.

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Back pain guy | Male | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 3.7
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I've been taking 10 - 325 hydrocodone for about 2 years due to severe spinal stenosis. Surgery is NOT an option. The medication has worked well for me UNTIL my pharmacy switched manufacturers. Lupin was the co that used to make the med. It works well and as advertised keeps my pain to a minimum. TRIS 10-325 is a BAD MEDICATION. No pain relief and it makes you sick. Don't take hydrocodone made by TRIS.

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K Mickie | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 4.7
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I have cronic back pain due to my spine being dislocated from a car accident Feb 2003. I had surgery in 2008 to remove a large mass, but it was not successful. Then had a spinal tap to drain the fluid which ended up causing nerve pain in my right leg. So I have was prescibed Hydrocodone/APAP, and if not for this medication, I would no longer be able to work or have a normal life. I have found several doctors that I have been fortunate to care for me but now have either retired or left because of those people who abuse such medications and now it is hard to find a doctor who will prescibe it. I was on a number of pain medications percocet 10/325, 5/325 but ended up on Hydrocodone/APAP 7.5/325 since 2013, I take it as directed and only as directed. I understand that the laws governing this medication are very strict, but I believe if you have cronic pain above a level 5 with proof of condition, you should be able to recieve this medication without the doctor treating you like your a drug abuser! I have tried the Epidural Injections, Joint Injections, Physical Therapy (which made it worse), exersize, and many other things, but the Hydrocodone/APAP and the other meds in combination with that are the only thing that has been able to keep me working and living a full and happy life. I work full-time and have my own business. In addition to that I have nephews and godchildren I love to pick up and spend with, and I can only do that because of my medication. I am just hoping and praying I am to find a doctor like the ones I was blessed to have in previous years without having to be a genie pig being experimented on with pain pumps, spinal cord stimulators (which have caused severe damage for many patients).Read More Read Less

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Becca1964 | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 2.0
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I broke my neck in 1986 and have had 4 ortho surgeries..The FDA has forced ingredient changes without public notice. NDKT 10 was added to pain meds that greatly diminishes addictiveness and resolves constipation, but unfortunately it also greatly reduces efficacy. It is so sad that this country allows its FDA to do this to its citizens. I lost my JOB because of this. I thought my condition was worsening, nerve pain began shooting down my arm again which made me suffer, my pain has increased I feel sick to my stomach.. more suffering. People are not going to go thru life jobless and in pain simply because the FDA thinks that's best for them!!! . Fentanyl is readily available and CHEAP the FDA has created the Fentanyl CRISIS by overstepping their boundaries. NOW WHAT? MANY WILL JUST GO TO THE HASSLE FREE ALTERNATIVE .. the Darknet.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 2.0
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The drug is not that effective for breakthrough pain. I become nauseated at time when taking it. It is a poor drug for pain control for moderate to severe pain. Oxycodone works better for that type of pain. There isn't much to offer for mild pain since they took Darvon off the market years ago. Many people relied on that medication for pain and many, many people took it without problems. It was taken off the market for some type of heart related problems as I understand it. So many people did not have heart problems though. Read More Read Less

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Jill | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 2.0
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Mallinckrodt does not work. I have been on it for 5-6 years. This script is worthless. How can they get away with this inferior product!

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 1.3
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I have been on Norcos since 2010 due to neck and back surgery have managed with proper dosing of my medication all of these years a few months back I got Mallinckrodt brand and had a very rough month not understanding why thinking it was related to some of my other medical issues well then I was told from my home health nurse and another person that I know that takes the same medication that got the same brand are staying nauseated and not getting relief from their pain somebody needs to do something in regards to this company. I contacted my Pharmacy and was informed that all the other manufacturers supposedly are on back order and they can't get them and that the only company that is providing them is Mallinckrodt makes me wonder what's up with that. The government is so anti opioid it makes me wonder if they've got their hands in this I'm not a conspiracy theory nor am I paranoid or anything like that but it does make you more stop and go hmmmmm....Read More Read Less

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NoOneImportant | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 1.3
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This medicine as changed! Doesn’t relieve pain at all. The formula is totally different. This is not okay especially for individuals that suffer from pain on a daily basis. I can only pray that no one dies from this medicine. You really have no idea what it is your are talking. Doctors that prescribe this medication should be upfront with patients due to the changes but they are all in it too with the FDA, Government and Pharmaceutical Companies. It’s sad that it’s come to this.

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FDA Advocating | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 4.0
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My rating is for when I get a prescription for Norco that works. 2 out of the last 4 months I got a script that didn't work. I'm thinking a Amneal or Tris salesman has someone working on the inside of the pharmacy I used. That person can handle the inventory. This is what I got from calling the FDA. They said call Medicare, consider using a corporate drug store instead of being a good guy and using your doctors pharmacy. Ask the pharmacy what company is producing the pills before I buy them, and if my physician won't give me a pill for pill exchange deal, get a new doctor; because he probably knows what his pharmacy is doing. I called Medicare, they had me also call a patient advocate. But my guess is not doing anything is bad news waiting to happen. I had surgery for a crushed disk. Also I have a sciatic problem from a sports injury that is now thought of as DDD. Degenerative Disk Disease. I have some stenosis and now my L3 and L4 are becoming a problem. And this is payback for putting out for their society. I could ring someone's neck for this. I have a useless months worth of medication. Do us a favor , bug the FDA. Read More Read Less

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Cjt | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 2.0
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This pain medicine does not relieve my fibro or back pain at all. Worthless.

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Tree | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 2.0
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Can’t tell I’m even taking a pain medication Crohn’s RA this medication sucks ! Walgreens cost more than anyone and now I get this junk. What is really going on?

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Anonymous |
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 1.0
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The pharmaceutical company has changed it. It's no longer effective like the thousands of other useless pain medications.

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Anonymous | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 2.3
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SEVERE Neural Femoral Stenosis. The M367 Mallin are rated AA [TEE rating]. Drug products coded as AA contain active ingredients and dosage forms that are 'not' regarded as presenting either actual or potential bioequivalence problems. Why not AB rating??? AB Drug products are coded as AB if they 'meet' bioequivalence requirements. Not a chemist but looks like the manufacturers have wiggle room on ingredients. M367 are not effective at pain relief.

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Junior420 | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 1.7
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I’ve been on everything from patches to shots @ pain point since 2008-09. Idk what happened to these pills but their not norco,Hynix,Vicodin,loratab or whatever name they put on the same pill. Inactive ingredients don’t effect all, but they do mess with ppl who are intolerant to alot of fillers. Since 2017-18, these have only got weaker and weaker. If Watson made a 10/325 it’s what 8/325? Amneal, kvk, mallonkrodt & 50 other manufacturers are getting away with how many violations? How weak of rx? Most importantly, has the manufacturing company mislabeled 3 different rx & caused deaths in America ( kvk). This craps a joke anymore. If ya get hurt, GROW!!!! Ty webmd & big pharma can suck itRead More Read Less

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Jr | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 1.7
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Been on everything from fentanyl to norco since 2008. Idk what these are or claim to be, but their definitely not the 325/7.5mg Norco I’m very used too. If you’re stuck w amneal, kvk, ameriquest, malloncrodt, etc. Refuse em, their basically sugar pills @ this point

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S9 | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 1.0
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I've been taking Mallinckrodt Hydrocodone for over 5 years... I will say that it is not the best Generic Hydrocodone but it is better than apotex Hydrocodone, Mylan Hydrocodone and others.The best Generic Hydrocodone hands down was watson . The Mallinckrodt hydrocodone as of 2022 is completely different and is now 5 times weaker then it was originally. With all the legal problems and lawsuits that Mallinckrodt has been under. I'm pretty sure it has a big reason on why Mallinckrodt has reformulated their Hydrocodone and why it's so weak.. The two main things that I noticed was that now the pills have a shiny coat to them and that the pills are hard when you chew them. The old Mallinckrodt hydrocodone pills had a powdered look to them and was soft and very easy to chew. These new mallinckrodt hydrocodone pills have a hard shiny glossy look and when you chew them, they crush up like like hard candy. They are very weak and don't even help with pain or sleep.Read More Read Less

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statepharmacy | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.3
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I must say this medication helped me alot after an accident and I will always be grateful to and their wonderful staff for always delivering my medications in time and checking up on me to make sure I was okay.

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